Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014: Training by Climbing?

Today I’ve slapped some more varnish on my boat and oars…a plausible excuse to stay off the water and “train” in different ways while the varnish dries in the boathouse.

It’s pouring rain this afternoon, but this morning I took a vigorous hike up the mountain which faces our camp. I think a slog like that counts for training. Rocky might have carried a log on his back or rocks in his pack, but I’m not Rocky: I carried an i-Pod and kept a hand free for the bugs. There may have been some risk in this outing, my first extended uphill climb since Achilles tendon surgery last August, yet the leg and foot were pain-free and responsive. In May my doctor prescribed “A Summer in the Adirondacks” as the next step in my rehabilitation, and I’m taking him at his word. He’s my kind of doc.

This afternoon Peg and I provisioned a bit. You “shop” if you live on land, but you “provision” if you are taking it afloat, and for those of you planning to follow in your own boats, here’s a cut at our present store: Raisinets® , pouch-pack tuna, water and Gatorade®, granola, Raisinets ®, assorted power bars, Starbucks Via® packs, Raisinets ®, dehydrated  stew, dehydrated spaghetti, Raisinets ®,  an assemblage of beef jerky, crab shorts, light PJ pants for sun protection for the legs, Raisinets ®, batteries for the radio, Hermit cookies (almost gone!) and sun goop.

It’s only a 15’ boat; I’ll have to remember to leave room for me. 

I’ll confess that I also splurged on something called Endurox®, a magical “recovery powder” that a very athletic co-sextegenarian had shared with Brian and me three years ago during Row, Canada. Gentle Reader, I’m not a big fan of mysterious multi-syllabic miracle cures (except, obviously, for Raisinets®), but this stuff worked then and I’m counting on it to work again starting on Friday night.

Otherwise, it’s been a pretty uneventful and relaxing day. It’s pouring in buckets at this very moment and I am mindful that this weather, if repeated in 48 hours, may not stop the rowing but it sure will introduce real- if enlightened- discomfiture.

There’s still a Hermit left, and fresh coffee. Gotta go train.

Mo ‘latah,


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